The ADDITOOL project kicks off, for the implementation of metallic additive manufacturing in the world of tooling
On October 11, the first consortium meeting of the Interreg Sudoe ADDITOOL project was held, which was born with the aim of promoting the Development and dissemination of Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM) technologies in the tooling sector in the industry.
The consortium will carry out a study of the needs of the sector object of the project, and will develop 4 demonstrators using different MAM technologies, helping the SMEs involved to acquire new skills in the different processes.
ADDITOOL will also facilitate knowledge transfer to the entire SUDOE sector. New educational programs will be developed for engineering students as well as for industrialists or people in professional reconversion, with the support of national public organizations. The transfer of knowledge and skills of ADDITOOL will be based on a greater mobility of professors, researchers and PhD students in order to pool this knowledge and share all good practices to advance together in multiprocess MAM.
The project, in which companies and institutions from Spain, France and Portugal participate, officially began on November 1, 2020 and will last 28 months. It has a budget of 1.71 million euros, of which 1.28 million euros will be subsidized by Feder funds.
Participating in the project as partners are: École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées (ESTIA), AFM CLUSTER, Spanish Cluster of advanced and digital manufacturing, CEFAMOL, Portuguese Association of the mold industry, CEIT, ENIT, Andalusian Foundation for Aerospace Development ( FADA - CATEC), Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, LORTEK, the University of the Basque Country (EHU). In addition, as entities associated with the project, which will actively collaborate in the achievement of the objectives set are: MEUPE, AEAA, AENCIA IDEA, CAF, GESTAMP, MECANIC VALLEY, LAUAK, SOMOCAP and POMBALPROF.