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Analysis of the opportunities offered by MAM technologies in the tooling sector that involve various strategic sectors such as aeronautics, automotive, rail, oil industry, energy, agribusiness, etc.

In this work package the following tasks will be developed that will culminate in the definition and manufacture of 4 pilots, which will serve as an example of the application of MAM technologies to the selected sector.

- Development of new materials and their characterization

- Adaptation of MAM processes to the specific needs of the sector

- Manufacturing, post-processing and characterization of the demonstrations

- Analysis of results and technical-economic feasibility

This work package aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and facilitate the transfer of skills between partner entities and members of the SUDOE space. The following tasks will be developed:

- Development of training and mobility programs for engineering students / vocational training

- Mobility of researchers and doctors in the SUDOE space to improve skills and share MAM best practices

- Establishment of continuous training modules for industry and non-employed professionals